It is very imporant to keep a copy of your data. We have seen many people lose their site because they didn’t have a proper backup. Here is a important class that everybody should learn. 1) Log into your cPanel account. How to login to cPanel 2) Locate the Files section and select Backup 3) You should […]
How to check account disk usage in cPanel
If you are wondering what is using up your space in your hosting account. Here is a simple tutorial you can follow. If you want to make a copy of your files, the zip (compress) function is a great tool. 1) Log into your cPanel account. How to login to cPanel 2) Locate the Files section […]
How to create a zip (compressed) file in cPanel
If you want to make a copy of your files, the zip (compress) function is a great tool. 1) Log into your cPanel account. How to login to cPanel 2) Locate the Files section and select File Manager 3) You should see the cPanel File Manger To start browsing for files under your account, you can […]
How to setup email piping in cPanel
In order to send incoming emails to a 3rd party program, such as a help desk software. Email piping must be setup to get your email forwarded. 1) Log into your cPanel account you want to setup your email piping for. How to login to cPanel 2) Locate the Email section of your cPanel and click […]
Setting up a catch-all (default) email address in cPanel
With a catch-all or default email address, you can accept any mis-typed email address somebody may have used. For example if your email address is [email protected], but the sender mis-typed and sent to [email protected] instead. Even though catch-all address is great at catching mis-typed emails, it is also great at catching spam emails. A lot […]